概述fusionpbx是以freeswitch作为底层框架开发而成的开源PBX,在freeswitch的基础上,优化了GUI的易用性。fusionpbx可用作高可用性的单租户或基于域的多租户 PBX、运营商级交换机、呼叫中心服务器、传真服务器、voip服务器、语音邮件服务器、会议服务器、语音应用服务器、设备框架等。fusionpbx提供无限分机、语音邮件到电子邮件、音乐保持、呼叫停放、呼叫中心、呼叫队列、电话配置和许多其他功能。 它提供您的业务所需的功能,并为中小型企业带来企业级电话系统功能。fusionpbx官方网站:https://www.fusionpbx.com/本文档主要介绍fusionpbx的安装过程和简单应用。环境centos:CentOS release 7.0 (Final)或以上版本GCC:4.8.5安装步骤官方的安装脚本很方便,也很好用。安装过程比较久,需要耐心等待。CentOS InstallStart with a minimal install of CentOS 7. Then run the following commands as 'root'. yum install wget wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.co ... ntos/pre-install.sh | sh cd /usr/src/fusionpbx-install.sh/centos && ./install.sh安装成功后会提示重启服务器Installation has completed.Use a web browser to login. domain name: username: admin password: gdeW2wUjAjJvjD9The domain name in the browser is used by default as part of the authentication. If you need to login to a different domain then use username@domain. username: [email protected] FusionPBX Training Fastest way to learn FusionPBX. For more information https://www.fusionpbx.com. Available online and in person. Includes documentation and recording.Location: Online Admin Training: TBA Advanced Training: TBA Continuing Education: https://www.fusionpbx.com/training Timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/usa/idahoAdditional information. https://fusionpbx.com/members.php https://fusionpbx.com/training.php https://fusionpbx.com/support.php https://www.fusionpbx.com http://docs.fusionpbx.com *------------------------------------------** NOTE: Please save the above information. ** REBOOT YOUR SERVER TO COMPLETE INSTALL. **------------------------------------------*
fusionpbx相关的进程通过命令查看fusionpbx使用到的组件和进程。# ps -ef | grep -E 'freeswitch|php-fpm|nginx|postgres|postfix|memcached'memcach+ 1041 1 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/memcached -u memcached -p 11211 -m 64 -c 1024root 1054 1 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: master process (/etc/php-fpm.conf)postgres 1206 1 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 /usr/pgsql-14/bin/postmaster -D /var/lib/pgsql/14/data/freeswi+ 1701 1 0 10:45 ?00:00:13 /usr/bin/freeswitch -u freeswitch -g daemon -ncwait -nonatroot 1753 1 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginxfreeswi+ 1754 1753 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 nginx: worker processfreeswi+ 1755 1753 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 nginx: worker processfreeswi+ 1756 1753 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 nginx: worker processfreeswi+ 1757 1753 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 nginx: worker processroot 1819 1 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/postfix/master -wpostfix 1820 1819 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 pickup -l -t unix -upostfix 1821 1819 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 qmgr -l -t unix -upostgres 1869 1206 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: logger postgres 2065 1206 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: checkpointer postgres 2066 1206 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: background writer postgres 2067 1206 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: walwriter postgres 2068 1206 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher postgres 2069 1206 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: stats collector postgres 2070 1206 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: logical replication launcher freeswi+ 2151 1054 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool wwwfreeswi+ 2152 1054 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool wwwfreeswi+ 2153 1054 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool wwwfreeswi+ 2154 1054 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool wwwfreeswi+ 2155 1054 0 10:45 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool wwwfreeswi+ 9436 1054 0 10:55 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool wwwroot 9587 9406 0 11:19 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto -E freeswitch|php-fpm|nginx|postgres|postfix|memcached
然后就没有然后了,我尝试了好几天,都无法使用SIP账号注册/呼叫。官方文档中,整个系统如何启动/停止的操作都没有,模块组件的介绍也没有,碰到问题的解决思路更无从谈起。最后,我想卸载掉它,也找不到任何资料。感觉就是为了卖会员,付费培训。卸载经过1个小时的摸索,总结的卸载步骤,无法保证完全恢复yum remove freeswitchyum remove php-fpmyum remove nginxyum remove memcachedyum remove postgresqlyum remove postfixyum remove php-pgsqlrpm -qa postgresql* | xargs rpm -e
总结fusionpbx最好的一点,就是安装比较容易。但是实际使用起来,一点都不容易,文档不全,描述不清晰,使用的人群也不多,网上资料很少。碰到问题,往往无从下手。总之,看看还行,使用就算了。问题汇总1, 添加了一个用户public01,groups设置为public,使用该用户登陆之后,页面无法切换到其他用户。解决办法:清理页面缓存。2, fusionpbx安装完成后,并不能直接注册打电话。。。未解决,放弃了。