Thompson Rivers University 汤普森河大学
Thompson Rivers University (commonly referred to as TRU) is a public teaching and research university offering undergraduate and graduate degrees and vocational training. Its main campus is in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, and its name comes from the two rivers which converge in Kamloops, the North Thompson and South Thompson. The university has a satellite campus in Williams Lake, BC and a distance education division called TRU-Open Learning. It also has several international partnerships through its TRU World division.TRU offers 140 on-campus programs and approximately 60 online or distance programs through the Open Learning division, including trades apprenticeships, vocational certificates and diplomas, bachelor's and master's degrees and law.
汤普森河大学(TRU)原名卡里布学院(The Cariboo College),是由英属哥伦比亚省政府于1970年成立的公立综合性学院,学校位于距温哥华300公里的甘露市(Kamloops),现有学生10000多人,其中国际学生800多人,来自50多个国家和地区。
从温哥华乘机 45 分钟即可到达。甘露市坐落在汤普森河上,并且它在温哥华与洛矶山脉之间横贯加拿大的公路上,是一座拥有八万友好善良市民的现代化城市。甘露市拥有交响乐团,剧院,电影院,俱乐部和各种各样的餐厅及三个大型购物中心,运动和娱乐中心,甘露市附近有 100 多功能个湖泊,和具有世界标准的滑雪场和滑冰宾馆“太阳峰” 滑雪世界,具有各类世界级的户外活动及场所,如游泳、垂钓、高尔夫球、骑马、露营、徒步旅行、水上运动。甘露市安全、友好、舒适的环境,引人入胜的自然景观,来自世界各地的居民和具有多元文化的特色,低廉的生活费用,丰富多彩的户外,城市和校园活动,宜人的气候都促使人们选择该大学就读。
ESL课程: 每年1 月(冬季); 5 月(夏季); 9 月(秋季)