admin 发表于 2019-3-14 23:31:43

Simplii High Interest Savings Account 3.15% till June 2019 ... vings.html

High Interest Savings Account.
注意,只允许是新的存入资金 Earn bonus interest on new deposits. Offer ends June 30 2019, see special terms. (Only on deposits after February 28th).

*The Simplii FinancialTM promotional interest offer (the “Offer”) is available between November 1, 2018 – February 28, 2019 (the “Offer Period”) to savings accounts: Eligible Savings Accounts and Eligible Registered Savings Accounts (as defined below). For existing savings account holders, to participate in the Offer, the primary account holder must enrol during the Offer Period by accepting the online offer through online banking, by selecting the “accept” button for e-mail offers or by calling 1-888-236-5999 to complete enrolment. Account holders who do not have a Simplii Financial savings account as at October 31, 2018 will be automatically enrolled for the Offer if they open a Simplii Financial savings account during the Offer Period. The special annual interest rate of 3.15% is a combination of the regular annual interest rate set by Simplii Financial payable on an Eligible Savings Account or Eligible Registered Savings Account balance (“Regular Interest”), plus promotional interest (“Promotional Interest”) that is calculated for the Offer Period on the Additional Balance or Registered Additional Balance, as applicable.

赛先生 发表于 2019-3-15 17:53:25


admin 发表于 2020-3-3 10:52:34

赛先生 发表于 2019-3-15 17:53


赛先生 发表于 2020-3-20 08:37:36

admin 发表于 2020-3-3 10:52

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