admin 发表于 2019-1-20 13:03:23


原文:因为我的妹妹在荷兰,所以策划着一次荷兰之行。其实感觉应该是没有多少难度的。那么下面让我们开始吧。资料准备首先肯定是资料的准备工作了。首先先去荷兰的官方网站:我这里选择的是Applying for a short-stay Schengen visa in Canada,然后你就会进入一个很详细的引导网站。1. Completed Schengen visa application form. Please sign the form at the consular office.这个是申根签证的申请表,同时地址在这里: Passport or official travel document – Validity exceeding the intended stay by at least three months;
– Two blank visa pages;
– Issued no more than ten years ago.In case a minor is traveling alone or with one parent only:
– copy birth certificate;
– copy ID of both parents;
– letter(s) stating the consent of both parents that the minor is traveling;
– (if applicable) court order that states the parent has sole custody.你的护照 (记得复印你的护照的第一页,还有第二页)3. Valid proof of residency in the country of application. (visa/permanent residence card/passport)有小有枫叶卡要复印,小签的复印小签,不晓得,不过保险起见你可以复印了去,小哥会告诉你什么要什么不要的,反正我复印了G1他说不需要

4. One recent passport picture (preferably no more than 6 months old) according to the Dutch passport photo requirements.照片,要35X45的,我当时去了一家小店拍的,结果太小了。他门扫描不了。我把2017年在Costco拍的,给他们了。结果收了。我都不知道什么情况。
5. Flight itinerary (reservation in your name)Important: We recommend that you do not purchase an airline ticket until you receive your actual visa. Instead we suggest that you makea confirmed airline reservation, which can be cancelled.机票预订单,荷兰说明了预订就行,不需要付款的那种的。6.Visa, residence permit, or passport to enter the next country after visiting the Schengen area.大小签啦~要记得复印呀,枫叶卡接的要复印7.Medical insurance Official letter in your name from your medical insurance company stating the following criteria:• Valid throughout Schengen territory.
• Valid during the entire travel period.
• Coverage of at least €30.000.
• Coverage includes repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical care, emergency hospital treatment or death.
Note:If your own medical insurance does not provide this letter you can purchase a travel medical insurance for this specific trip with a different provider.我们公司的有包的。但是记得一定要写上 coverage 最少$30,000. 还有Repatriation!8. Paystubs covering one month salary (if unemployed: 3 recent monthly bank statements).在线打印的,感觉他们没有怎么看。9. Employment verification, stating: position, duration of employment, monthly income, and approved period of leave (students: proof of school registration).If you are self-employed a business license and tax return forms are required.雇主信,主要还是要写上他们知道你要放假去荷兰玩。这是重点。10.Proof establishing the purpose of your trip:• Visiting relatives or friends: submit the Proof of Private Accommodation and/or Sponsorship form completed and signed by your relative or friend and certified by the respective Dutch City Hall and a copy of the Dutch passport or residence permit of the person inviting you.• Tourism: submit confirmed hotel reservations, stating name, address and telephone number of the hotel, including confirmation number and/or proof of group travel participation.
• Business: present an invitation letter from the company in the Netherlands and a letter from your direct employer, stating your position within the company and the reason for your travel to the Netherlands. Either letter should indicate who is responsible for travel expenses and where you will be staying (hotel contact information).因为是tourism,所以要酒店的订单,上booking订那种可以免费取消不收费的就行时间一定要和行程单一样哦
11. Current Visa fee. Payment is required at the time of application in local currency. All offices accept cash, US and Canadian offices also accept credit cards (Visa & MasterCard)现在的费用是60欧元,信用卡,直接刷就好了
12.To have your passport sent back to you: Please read the mailing instructions and submit a prepaid self-addressed label.如果你想他们邮寄给你的,记得带上回邮信封。我选择自己去拿。预约面试资料准备好之后,就是预约面试了。你可以在刚刚给出的网站上找到,这里我也直接给出地址:面试经历首先应该是先说明大使馆的地址,因为预约的单子上没有地址。结果我是用Google搜索的。嗯,不过我是良心博主。这里就放出来吧。Consulate General of the Netherlands
Suite 883, Three Bentall Centre
595 Burrard Street | P.O. Box 49068
Vancouver, B.C. | V7X 1C4

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